Art / Haiku, A one-breath Japanese poem with no rhyming


Relaxing inward
Things open: heart will mind
Don’t go back to sleep


The search here fruitless
I sink beneath the surface
You can't find me there

True Nature

True nature they say
Is displayed in many ways
I’ll settle for one


Behold I’m precious
For awhile Dad I forgot
You don’t matter now


I’ve been a good girl
I modeled myself on you
Girl in wolf’s clothing


Now she has it all
Her father shows her the way
Mother informs love

The Beloved

My heart bellows out
Where are you my beloved
Now I look inside


Sunlight, late summer
On a post her photo stands
Attacked Disbelief prevails


We thought it was fine
We thought we had it made
Fiercely the ground trembles


Strange horrendous days
The pigeons already gone
Smoke unyielding, thick


Who's to know our fate
Perhaps I'll see you again
Or then, the sky may fall


She was a wonder
Vital, free ... the best part of me
Life is here, then gone


Daddy daddy Dad
Dad daddy daddy daddy
Still I call your name


Sometimes I wonder
How to hold this precious life
A sigh, a flame, grace


At any moment
Life can be gone from our hands
Come give me a kiss


One two three four five
Did you make it out alive
This is no time for rhymes


One person’s terrorist
Is another’s freedom fighter
Go figure


Strange yet familiar
Is it foreign is it home
Lady scowls gent winks


1/2 a pint I say
Having learned how to order
I drink sissy beer


Your Dad is from here
Mother, did you know, or care
Do you hear me now


Am I good enough
We ask incessantly
Like beetles gnawing


Much more than 2 sides
You are a crystal you know
Facets gleam in light


When I look at you
The brilliance of your crystal
Startles, stuns my eyes


Did I fail you then
Fail to see your complex self
Horrors! rain falling


Art is all the same
A collage is a haiku
Is a piece of pie

Non Duality

Teachers of the heart
There is no duality
All say the same thing


Its the way life goes
Rivers flow down to the sea
I tell myself this


Papaya salad
Once fire on our tongues
Now forgotten turns to fuel


Haiku is a small poetry with oriental metric that appeared in the XVI century and is being very popular mainly in Japan. It's been disseminating in all around the world during this century. It have an old and long story that reminds the spiritualist philosophy and the Taoist symbolism of the oriental mystics and Zen-Buddhist masters who express much of their thoughts in form of myths, symbols, paradoxes and poetic images like the Haiku. It's done to transcend the limitation imposed by the usual language and the linear/scientific thinking that treat the nature and the human being as a machine.

It's a contemplative poetry that valorizes nature, color, season, contrasts and surprises. Usually it has 3 lines and 17 syllables distributed in 5, 7 and 5. It must register or indicate a moment, sensation, impression or drama of a specific fact of nature. It's almost like a photo of some specific moment of nature.

More than inspiration, it's need meditation, effort and perception to compose a real Haiku.


This one is fun, type in a subject:
Haiku of Kobayashi Issa (1763-1827) left thousands of one-breath masterpieces .

The three most famous Japanese Haiku poets are Basho, Buson, and Issa.

Some tips on writing Haiku

Try to keep your words at a minimum. Lines like "A dark and stormy night" would be considered redundant as 'dark' and 'night' are almost synonymous.

It must be able to capture a specific moment of time. This is much like capturing an image the way photographs do. Just imagine what you want to say in your poem, then focus on it.

Haiku traditionally deal with nature. Trees, flowers, mountains, seas, and the like are the most common subjects. However, some people make use of other everyday things too, like, sports, toys, food, and fashion.

Emotional elements should be included in your haiku. But, you must avoid simply saying how you feel. Lines like: "It's raining and I feel sad" does not give the best impact on your poem. It may be better to write: "There are rain drops in my eyes."

Try to use the present tense. Whenever you use the present tense, you involve your reader with a sense of 'right here, right now,' which makes your poem more effective.

You can allow some flexibility in the 5-7-5 syllable pattern. Since English and Japanese are two different languages, it is generally accepted to try other syllable patterns like 4-6-4 and 3-5-3.